DIMENSIONS: 40x 40x 30 cm
MEDIA: cotton/acrylic

This project deals with the notion of desire as a cry for a certain person, object or the desired outcome of an event that does not tolerate surrogates.

I wanted to visualize the term of desire, in the sense of obstinate, unstoppable movement towards fullness, the need which outgrew the frame of waiting.

That same feeling, which is a need rather than an emotion, is also expressed in feelings such as longing and rapture, but in a significantly different way. When we long,we  long for something that was familiar, we long nostalgically and passively. When we  strive, we strive for something that is far and unknown, in large part based on imagination, projections of our ideas on the subject of our desire.
Desire is therefore active, it consumes, urges and drives.

While the desires, by the laity, are often classified as emotions, psychologists describe them as quite different from emotions. For psychologists, desires arise from physical structures, such as the stomach that needs food or blood that needs oxygen, whereas emotions arise from the mental condition of an individual.